Brand_ Nivea
Project_ Loving Touch
Role_ Global CD, Designer
Agency_ Publicis One Touch, Hamburg

Nivea collaborates with hospitals to support premature babies and their recovery. Drawing upon their skincare expertise, Nivea promotes the benefits of human touch in aiding the preemies' development. We designed a tactile device that replicates the human touch for use when the babies are in incubators, assisting them in a speedier recovery.

Gold_ Eurobest, Innovation
Gold_ ADC Germany, Innovation 
Silver_ London International Awards, Health Wellness
Silver_ ADC*E, Integrated & Product Innovation
2x Bronze_ADC NY, Prototype, Science & Medical
Bronze_ Epica, Health & Beauty
Merit_ADC NY, Product Design & Innovation
Merit_ADC Germany, Product Design & Innovation
Merit_ One Show NY, IP & Product Design
2x Shortlist_ Clio Health, Design, Early Stage Design
Shortlist_ Cannes Lions, Health Product Innovation